Playing tag

on 10:06 AM


Shadow doesn't like losing at tag. But he sure likes the running about.

Posted via email from paulrharvey3's posterous

Someone's nervous today.

on 10:40 AM


Shadow doesn't like loud surprises. So some fireworks popping made him nervous. So he's hiding under a sunchair next to me, rather than at my feet as he usually does. I'm pretending not to notice. A dog needs some dignity, after all.

Posted via email from paulrharvey3's posterous


on 9:15 AM

I will not expect, only accept. For with expectaion comes delusion. But with acceptance there is understanding.

Posted via email from paulrharvey3's posterous

Geese Family Stroll

on 8:28 AM


Mr. & Mrs. Goose with the wee ones & extended family.

Posted via email from paulrharvey3's posterous

How do you define dignity? Respect? how are they different?

on 5:21 AM

Dignity is what you have. Respect is what you give others. Or should. Dignity is treating your slice of reality properly; respect is allowing others to do the same.

Ask me anything. But be polite; my mother reads this.

What was the last thing you lied about?

on 5:15 AM

When exactly I watched a TV show.

Ask me anything. But be polite; my mother reads this.