Uncle Donald

on 4:38 PM

harvey-R1-0A, originally uploaded by paulrharvey3.

My Uncle Donald, at a family event five - almost six - years ago. He looks quite dapper in this photo, and a bit warm too. Twas a beach event, though it was March. Close to my father's birthday too. My uncle slipped & fell on Christmas Day and needed several hours of surgery. I hope he recovers from this incident in time for Spring Training. He doesn't have anything to do with it, but it's a good date to shoot for.

Kofi's poster

on 4:23 AM

I made this poster for Kofi way back when. He was thrilled with it. I miss him.
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Stopping for dinner

on 6:20 PM

So, I stop for dinner - as I often do - on the way from Philly back to Boston. I realized I had turned off my 'home' mobile phone after forwarding it to my 'work' mobile phone. So I turned it on.

Here's the thing. I like to follow both Philadelphia and Boston sports. So I get text messages whenever there's a score change, so if I'm not able to watch or listen, I can still follow the games.

So the Bruins + Flyers each had two games this weekend. The Eagles + Patriots also played. So I just had to spend 20 minutes of my life scrolling through text messages watching two of the best hockey teams go through their games and the Patriots blow out the Cards. And when it was over, I couldn't remember if I had seen a single text from the Eagles game.

On a personal level, that hurt something fierce.

That was a frustrating three hours, even if I did spend it at my brother's apartment, and it was fun hanging with him. Even though he took too much fun kicking my @$$ on Halo + Perfect Dark.

Get a PS3, and we'll see who spanks who, Thomas.

Odd how everything always comes back to one's family, isn't it?

Which Superhero I Am

on 12:57 PM

Your results:
You are Spider-Man

The Flash
Iron Man
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

Tabblo of Photos from my Grandfather's 90th Birthday

on 7:07 PM

Twitter refuses to ban abusive users

on 4:22 PM

Twitter is too scared to ban anyone who violates their Terms of Service.

read more | digg story

on 3:22 AM

Mobile post sent by paulrharvey3 using Utterz Replies.  mp3

on 4:09 PM

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on 1:18 PM

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on 10:40 PM

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on 10:20 AM

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